Terms Of Use
Terms & Conditions
These terms and conditions apply to all contracts between you and us.
“We”, “us”, “our” means ManchesterPlasterers.co.uk
“You”, “your” means the person ordering/requesting services or goods.
Terms and Conditions
Payment for goods and services must be made in advance either by cheque, debit card or electronic payment. Payment to agreed schedule must be made in accordance with the schedlue of payment. When your order is complete the balance becomes payable before final delivery of services/products.
Completion of the contract between you and us will take place on notifiaction to you that goods or services ordered are completed and ready for delivery, either physically or digitally where appropriate as agreed under the terms of your order.
This will be deemed to be our acceptance of your offer and to have been communicated to you.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, no refund of payment will be made once approval of products/services to be delivered has been approved. All products and services supplied, electronic or otherwise in another format are subject to copyright and the terms agreed for copyright ownership or license.
We do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent or lease your details to any other third party. Neither will you be sent unsolicited mail or e-mails. Our site registration form requires users to give us contact information e.g. name, telephone number, e-mail address. This is used to respond and send information requested from our site and to inform users of future developments which may be of interest to them. Users may opt out of receiving future mailings; see the choice/opt out section below. Refer to our Privacy Policy for complementary information.
Links. Links on our site may be affiliate links and the user agrees and accepts to use of the site on that basis.
This site gives users the following options for removing their information from our database to not receive future communications or to no longer receive our service. You can send email (with the word unsubscribe in the subject) to
Refer to our Privacy Policy for complementary information.
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